Responsible solutions
for people who care
Cyanobacteria biomineralization sunglasses
An Italian researcher creates sunglasses frames from bacteria.
Train rats for search and rescue
Scientists in Glasgow, Scotland, are training rats to help with search and rescue work in earthquake debris sites.
Drug to cure rectal cancer tumors
A small drug trial in the US successfully treated all patients with rectal cancer tumors.
Robots can grow human tissue
A team of researchers and a robotics company developed a robot shoulder that can grow human tissue.
Transparent solar panels for greenhouses
A study shows that semi-transparent solar cells can power greenhouses without harming crops.
3d-printed ear using the patient’s cell
3DBio Therapeutics finally administered the transplant in March this year, using the patient’s own cells to print the ear.
The most attractive faces hacked by AI
Artificial intelligence can now identify what faces you find attractive directly from your brain waves.
Neuritin: the natural antihistamine
Scientists discovered a protein called neuritin that stops allergies and autoimmune conditions.
Tiny robotics: earthworm robot to fix engines
A team of roboticists invented a tiny robot that can crawl through aircraft engines like an earthworm.