Responsible solutions
for people who care
Space-based solar power
China built a solar power system that harvests energy from space and generates power 24/7.
Telekinesis and metamaterials
Real-life telekinesis uses artificially engineered materials or metamaterials.
Living robots with human skin
Researchers developed a living robot skin from human skin cells. It is water repellent and self-healing.
CO2 battery
An Italian startup launched the world’s first carbon dioxide battery that needs only steel and water.
Solar Electric Vehicle: drive for months without charging
A startup from the Netherlands unveiled its final solar electric vehicle design.
Water from atmosphere
Researchers developed a gel film that harvests drinking water from the atmosphere, even in the driest climates.
AI words and secret language
A new generation of artificial intelligence (AI) models may have their own secret language.
Metallic wood
Engineers developed a new material called “metallic wood” that is as strong as titanium but much lighter.
Generate electricity from wood
Scientists created wood that generates electricity, which could soon power homes and buildings with footsteps.
Genetically modified trees to absorb more co2
Scientists genetically engineered plants that absorbed more carbon than other trees.