Plant-based fabric or wear

Eco-friendly and plant-based fabric made of beech wood is used to make clothes and home interior needs.

Austrian company Lenzing extracts the pulp of sustainably grown beech wood and makes them into Tencel fibers in a process that recovers and reuses the solvents used.  The durable fabric can be utilized for general, denim, innerwear, activewear, and home interior use.  They are twice as soft as cotton and stay supple even after repeated washing.        

What makes the Tencel fabric even better is that they are biodegradable and compostable under industrial, home, soil, and marine conditions.  The company’s pulp-to-fiber system also helps minimize the environmental impact of production.

While the fiber is pricier than other fabrics, its quality and cause make it all worth it.  Do you agree with this?  Would you be willing to buy and wear clothes made of Tencel fabric?  Let us know below.

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