Eco-friendly cement made from algae

For the first time, scientists created eco-friendly cement from algae.

Cement is traditionally produced using limestone that causes massive carbon dioxide and other pollutant emissions.  To address this concern, scientists developed a biogenic cement made from algae.  Biogenic refers to a substance made using living organisms.

The team cultivated microalgae called coccolithophores.  These give rise to limestone by creating calcium carbonate deposits during photosynthesis, needing only sunlight and carbon dioxide.  This means that aside from stopping carbon emission, the technology is also carbon negative, using up carbon dioxide in the process.         

Furthermore, the technique can be done anywhere algae thrive, whether in salty or fresh water.  And while it takes millions of years for limestone to form naturally, the biogenic version can be produced in real-time.  

Will this revolutionary material soon replace natural limestone in cement production and help save the planet?  Leave a comment below.  

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