The world’s first and only underwater greenhouse that produces different fruits, herbs, and vegetables could reveal the future of agriculture.
The project called Nemo’s Garden in Italy is composed of six large clear domes or biospheres attached to the ocean floor. It utilizes the ocean’s favorable conditions, like temperature stability, carbon dioxide absorption, and natural pest control to create an appropriate habitat for growing fresh produce. The plants are even observed to be richer in nutritional content than those grown using traditional methods. Nemo’s Garden uses software that enables the team to monitor the biospheres.
The concept is proven to be effective and successful. In fact, underwater greenhouses are also being built in Belgium and the Florida Keys. With more on the way, aquatic farms could provide a supply of food for coastal populations, where agriculture is challenging.
What do you think about these underwater biospheres?
The concept is proven to be effective and successful. In fact, underwater greenhouses are also being built in Belgium and the Florida Keys. With more on the way, aquatic farms could provide a supply of food for coastal populations, where agriculture is challenging.
What do you think about these underwater biospheres?