Do-it-yourself bamboo bike

This Road Frame kit is made from bamboo, making the bike sustainable, lighter and more comfortable to ride.

Basic Information

Product Details

What is it?

The Road Bike Frame Kit contains a complete kit, full manual and instructional videos to help you build your own customized bamboo bicycle. There is no welding, heat treatment or heavy mechanics needed in the bamboo frame construction.

The material comes from a variety of locations around the world. Moso or Tonkin are two of the most common bamboo species for bike building, known for their excellent strength properties and environmental performance.

All bamboo is treated at source and then hand-selected, piece by piece, to get the correct maturity and consistency. Selected bamboo is held in stock for a period of 4 months before using it so that it can naturally acclimatize.

Who is it for?

The Road Bike Frame Kit is the most popular model, ideal for longer commutes, club runs and racing.

It is designed for speed first and comfort later. It is the perfect choice if you’re interested in beating your mates to the top, or for that edge on the way to work.

With fully customisable choice on everything and custom geometry available, you can dial in this classic to be the perfect match for you.

What makes it better than competition?

Academic research credits bamboo as a fantastic material for bicycle building.

Bamboo bikes are generally lighter than a steel and aluminium frame and slightly heavier than a carbon and titanium. However, they have excellent vibration dampening effects, so the comfort of the ride exceeds all other materials.

If you care for your bike properly, the materials used should suffer no ill effects for up to 10-15 years. In fact, the metal components will probably start to give up earlier than your bamboo frame.

What makes it responsible?

Sustainable material: Bamboo is often labelled ‘the world’s most renewable material’. It is the fastest growing woody plant in the world and absorbs five times more carbon dioxide and produces 35% more oxygen than a similar group of trees. Bamboo requires no fertilizers or pesticides and only little water. When harvested, the plant regenerates itself from the roots.

Sustainable transportation: Cycling is probably the most sustainable urban transport mode. It is suitable for not only short trips but also for medium-distance trips too long to cover by walking. It causes virtually no environmental damage, takes up little space and is economical, both in direct user costs and public infrastructure costs.

Healthy activity: Riding a bike is healthy, fun and a low-impact form of exercise for all ages. It can help to protect you from serious diseases such as stroke, heart attack, some cancers, depression, diabetes, obesity and arthritis. Cycling is easy to fit into your daily routine by riding to the shops, park, school or work.

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