An electric helicopter made a historic flight being the first to go between two cities and airports.
The helicopter was a third-generation e-R44, a fully electric conversion of the Robinson R44 helicopter. Since its first flight in 2016, its technology has improved significantly, and it is getting closer to commercial competitiveness.
The electric aircraft flew from Jacqueline Cochran Airport to Palm Springs International Airport in California, USA. That’s 24 miles (39 kilometers), which took 20 minutes to cover. They also loaded the helicopter with 50 pounds (23 kilograms) of faux storage to simulate a transplant organ care system in the rear cabin.
The electric helicopter can be a practical and eco-friendly solution for short-duration rotorcraft flights such as organ deliveries, pilot training, scenic tours, and other inner-city trips.
Will we be seeing more electric helicopters in our skies anytime soon? Please share your thoughts with us.